
TAdviser: VSK has completed migration to the domestic Kubernetes platform "Shturval"



Source: RBC

The Numerator Laboratory company and High Digital Technologies (VDT), VSK’s own IT company, implemented the migration of the Marlin microservice application to the domestic platform for managing containers Shturval. VSK Insurance House reported this on May 10, 2023.
VSK Insurance House based on the results of 2022. entered the top 5 insurers of the Russian Federation (collections for property insurance of legal entities amounted to 7.3 billion rubles, for mortgage insurance - 6.3 billion rubles; the volume of payments to clients at the end of 2022 amounted to more than 37.9 billion rubles).

In 2022, VSK introduced the technological service “Digital Clinic” and implemented the integration of the “Euro Protocol Online” into its own mobile application “VSK Insurance”.

To implement IT projects, VSK uses the Marlin microservice platform, which automates routine operations and frees up developer resources for writing code. Number of routine operations in 2022 was reduced by 48%, while the number of microservices used increased more than 3 times - from 201 to 667.

For stable operation of Marlin, the VCT team chose a domestic solution for managing containers - the Shturval platform. The key criteria for the selection were: a domestic product with support from the vendor, functionality at the level of world analogues. The Shturval platform has been rated as the most reliable on-premise platform for operating containerized applications that meets accessibility and information security requirements.

Based on the results of the project, we confirmed the compatibility of the two solutions. Partnership with Numerator Laboratory will allow us to present a comprehensive product to the market. At VSK, we received a good result - the implementation of Marlin allowed us to standardize development approaches and reduce its cost by 50%, noted Denis Khadaskov, commercial director of the High Digital Technologies company.

"Sturval" allows you to automate routine operations when operating Kubernetes clusters and reduce the time-to-market for new products. The purpose of this software is to reduce the risks of downtime and the cost of system maintenance. As a result of the project, “Numerator Laboratory” and “High Digital Technologies” will offer to the market a joint solution with the necessary level of support,” said Maria Belyaeva, director of product development at “Numerator Laboratory”.

The combined use of Marlin and Shturval products allows developers to be responsible for writing code without being distracted by other tasks. This solution is scalable not only in the insurance industry, but also in companies in other industries with a large number of development teams and strict time-to-market requirements.

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